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Fee Schedule

Savings and Checking Account Fees
Effective Date: Saturday, September 7th, 2024
Minimum Balance Fee* $3.00
Dormant Account Fee** $3.00
Courtesy Pay $33.00
Stop Payment $33.00
Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) $33.00
Returned Item $33.00
Check Printing varies
* Fee assessed monthly if average aggregate balance falls below $100.00. Members with loans and members under 18 years of age will not be charged.
** Account is considered dormant after 1 year of inactivity.

Miscellaneous Fees
Effective Date: Saturday, September 7th, 2024
Money Order $1.50
Cashiers Check (under $1000) $3.00
ATM Withdrawals (Out of Network) $3.00
VISA Gift Card $3.00
Instant Issue of Debit or Credit Card $20.00
Account Re-Open Fee $20.00
Research Fee $25.00/hour
Wire Transfer - Incoming No Charge
Wire Transfer - Outgoing $20.00
Foreign Wire Transfer - Outgoing $30.00
Escheat $50.00
Levies/Garnishments $50.00

Safe Deposit Box (Southgate Office Only)
Effective Date: Saturday, September 7th, 2024
Small (5"x5") $25.00 Annual
Medium (5"x10") $50.00 Annual
Large (10"x10") $75.00 Annual

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